Access Control


Ensure Easy And Durable Campus Safety 

  • Campus safety by restricting unauthorized entry.
  • Protection of valuable assets, including equipment, data, and resources.
  • Improved student safety with dormitories and classrooms, fostering a secure learning environment.
  • Valuable data for security investigations and accountability.
  • Access control integrated with alarm systems to lock or unlock specific areas quickly.

Access control for the education sector must be comprehensive and economical, as schools, colleges, and universities typically operate on a limited budget. However, the cost of an access control system must be evaluated against the concerns arising when access is inadequate. Our Access Control Systems are used in various educational facilities around Ohio, including universities, schools, and colleges. We help overcome the issues involved with controlling the daily flow of people, monitoring high-security zones, and keeping a safe and secure environment for pupils and students to learn in. 

Contact us for cost-efficient education access control.


Protect Your Business Assets With Complete Access Control

  • Robust security layer by limiting unauthorized access, preventing theft, and safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Detailed logs, ensuring accountability and transparency in employee activities.
  • Protection of valuable assets, equipment, and intellectual property.
  • Increased productivity by minimizing distractions and helping maintain a focused work environment.
  • Compliance features and reporting tools to meet industry regulations and audit requirements.

The cornerstone of a well-functioning access control system is how you safeguard your employees, customers, visitors, stock, and areas within a building. By regulating who can enter a facility or access certain areas inside the premises, an access control solution should assist your business in reducing risk and establishing a safe atmosphere. Access control systems allow for easy movement and improve overall business efficiencies when done correctly. KaraTech – Technology Services provides a comprehensive and flexible tool kit to meet the evolving needs of today’s savvy business owners, whether you’re a small business needing a scalable solution or a large corporate enterprise project with thousands of access-controlled doors and complex user requirements.

Safeguard your business with us.


Elevate Home Security For Safe And Sound Surroundings

  •  Bolster home security by allowing homeowners to control who enters their property and when.
  • Keyless entry, eliminating the need for traditional keys.
  • Enhanced safety of residents, especially in gated communities and apartment buildings.
  • Visitor management for homeowners to grant temporary access to guests or service providers.
  • Reduced lock replacement costs by easily deactivating and replacing stolen keys or keycards.

Keeping your property safe and secure can be stressful, but building access control system installation in Ohio can help. Including the right access control system also improves resident convenience. Our access control security professionals are familiar with the necessities to control your building and will advise you on the most appropriate and cost-effective option to protect your property. Combining conventional and biometric technology can frequently provide the most effective solution when higher levels of protection are required.

Experience redefined home security.


Enhance Guest Safety And Stay Conveniently Simultaneously.

  • Safety of guests by restricting unauthorized access to hotel rooms and facilities.
  • Keyless entry using keycards or mobile apps, eliminating the hassle of traditional keys.
  • Guest and staff tracking for security purposes and to provide better services.
  • Efficient management, reducing the risk of lost or stolen keys.
  • Integration with hotel management and reservation systems, enhancing overall guest experiences.

Reimagining how hotels keep their customers and employees safe while maintaining a smooth flow of operations is more than just a talking point. It’s one of our company’s defining characteristics. KaraTech – Technology Services is committed to remaining at the forefront of innovation to fully serve the hospitality security needs of today and tomorrow, pushing the limits of loT connectivity and cloud-based innovation.vWe recognize the significance of the initial impression guests make when staying away from home in a hotel. Our wide variety of hospitality access and security solutions assists hotel owners in ensuring their building is user-friendly and secure while remaining loyal to the hotel’s particular style.

Elevate guest safety and service.